Blog Breaking Free: Steps Toward Eating Disorder Recovery

Breaking Free: Steps Toward Eating Disorder Recovery

A blonde woman happily eating a healthy meal, having completed of the steps toward eating disorder recovery

Recovery from an eating disorder is a process. It involves lots of hard work and determination. The steps toward eating disorder recovery below can help you find your health again.

Eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia can convince a person that they will never be happy until they lose weight, and that their self-worth is measured by how they look. The truth is that loving yourself for who you truly are is essential for recovery.

Key Takeaways

Eating disorders are serious and can cause significant mental, physical, and nutritional health problems. Some steps toward recovery include:

  • Find a professional with experience treating eating disorders
  • Address any health problems related to your eating disorder
  • Make a treatment plan to address all aspects of the problem
  • Learn to self-sooth and find healthy coping skills

That recovery begins with acknowledging that you have an eating disorder. This isn’t an easy thing to come to, especially if you’re coming from a mindset that weight loss is the key to your happiness and self-confidence.

The good news is that you can recover from an eating disorder, but it will involve giving up unhealthy eating behaviors, finding new ways to cope with emotional pain, and rediscovering who you are beyond eating habits, weight, and body image.

Steps Toward Eating Disorder Recovery

Step 1: Find The Right Professionals

Eating disorders have significant emotional, medical, and nutritional impacts. Because of this, it’s important to have a team that can address all aspects of the problem. Focus on finding therapists, doctors, and nutritionists who make you feel comfortable and safe. You can ask your primary care for recommendations, and use Google to search for professionals in your area.

Step 2: Address Your Health

Eating disorders can throw your physical health into danger. Fasting, binging, and purging can lead to any number of health problems. If you’re suffering from anything life-threatening, you may need to be hospitalized to recover. It’s important to address any risk to your health and well-being right away.

Step 3: Make A Treatment Plan

Once your health is in check, you can develop a long-term plan for recovery. This can include individual or group therapy. Regular therapy can help you explore the issues that led to your eating disorder. It can help you address self-esteem, and learn healthier ways of dealing with stress, anxiety, or emotional pain. Therapists may have different approaches to dealing with eating disorders so it may help to address this early on.

Step 4: Learn To Self-Sooth

Professional help is important but your role in recovery is essential. You will need to be motivated to understand the disorder, and learn healthier coping skills. The more dedicated you are to learning new strategies for recovery, the better your chances for success.

When It’s Time To Seek Treatment For An Eating Disorder

When extreme behaviors, weight changes, depression, or physical symptoms come into play, it’s time to address your eating disorder. If you or someone you know is suffering from an eating disorder, it’s important to take appropriate steps toward treatment. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.